
Chestnut Hill Reservoir, Boston MA

16 April 2012


Though the first competitors haven't yet started the race, this year's Boston Marathon is already making news. There's a record high forecast, with bright sunshine and only light winds, resulting in significant concerns and strident warnings about the dangers of exercising– let alone competing– in such conditions. I ran a workout on Tuesday morning in a hat and gloves, so my body isn't at all accustomed to, nor prepared for, such sudden and unseasonable warmth.

So when I learned that the race organizers were offering to defer anyone's entry to 2013 as long as he or she didn't start the race, I thought and prayed about the matter quite seriously. In line with the musings and mindsets that I described in my previous post, it wasn't a straightforward choice, even though prudential hindsight suggests that it should have been. I weighed the possibility of taking it super easy, resuming training after a short recovery, then running a qualifier in the fall with enough time to register for Boston 2013. I considered whether I'd want the experience (and the memory) of running a difficult, hot, and slow 26.2 miles after a fairly decent 15-week training regimen that, I dare presume, makes me capable of a performance far stronger and faster than what I'd be able to run in wicked warmth. I wondered how prudent I would be if I started and got into trouble.

Saturday evening Mass was an ideal venue for finalizing this discernment. With apologies to a Jesuit celebrant who surely offered a fine homily on the readings for Divine Mercy Sunday, the words Jesus spoke to Thomas were the ones that provided the conviction I needed: "Have you come to believe because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed." (John 20:29)

I'd experience today's heat no matter what I chose, so it suddenly seemed obvious to believe the worst and choose to defer until next year. I also found myself making a new plan– just one click or entry form away– to register for the Providence Marathon (on May 6) and run it sight unseen, just for fun. In any event, though these decisions were difficult (I am somewhat disappointed over not running today), they certainly feel right... and part of an interesting twist in the story of this year's training, a narrative that just got a few weeks longer. I'm praying that everyone who did decide to run today makes good choices as well.


  1. A well-thought out decision.... My sister-in-law's mother qualified and ran in her age category. She's from Iowa as well. I'm thinking she's planned to run the Boston for quite some time and probably already had the flights booked, hotel, etc. She finished, but probably had to really consider the heat. It appears that she had a great time as Boston is a LONG way from Iowa!! :O) Abbie

  2. Thanks Abbie... and so glad to hear that your sister-in-law's mother finished!
