
Chestnut Hill Reservoir, Boston MA

19 October 2011

Drifting Graces

Campion Renewal Center
Weston MA 

One afternoon during last week's silent retreat, this image caught my attention, the nudging of a gentle wind suddenly made visible. This simple moment, recently recalled, has been an apt metaphor for the action of grace in my life in the time since the retreat. I've been busy– a trip to St. Louis that I'll detail in a subsequent post; resuming work on a complicated grant project that's due in early November– and while I've been aware of various spiritual movements within me, I've had trouble finding (or making) the time to slow down and pray more intentionally. Yet I've felt God's blessings drifting gently through my hours and days, their understated subtlety no less forceful than a strong wind. Perhaps it's also a sign that the softer and more delicate aspects of my life are the ones most receptive to God's grace right now. In any event, as I continue to hurry myself along, whether setting my own pace or striving to keep up with that of work and life, I value those opportunities– intentionally claimed or spontaneously accepted– to instead drift on the slow, deep currents of grace. 

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